
Telarus Meets with Channel Vision about Telarus Tech Trends and CVX Expo 2024

October 23, 2024

In this episode of CVTV, Telarus is highlighted as a silver sponsor for the upcoming CVX Expo 2024. Koby Phillips, the vice president of advanced solutions for the cloud, discusses the company’s role as a technology solution distributor, providing valuable resources to technology advisors. The 2024 Telarus tech trends report is introduced, offering insights that help advisors navigate upcoming trends, particularly in the mid-market and small enterprise sectors. Telarus emphasizes its commitment to education and enhancing resources for advisors, while also promoting a companion podcast for deeper insights into the report.

Welcome, everybody, once again, to CVTV. As today, we sit down with a silver sponsor for CVX Expo twenty four, our good friends at Telarus. And in particular, we have Koby Phillips. Koby is the vice president of advanced solutions for the cloud.

How you doing, Koby?

Doing great. Appreciate being here, Brady. Looking forward to the conversation.

Of course.

Myself as well. I’m really excited. And and and I can’t wait to dive in with this Telarus tech trends report and and and even just learn a little bit more about the company. You know? So if we could to start out, could you talk a little bit about Telarus? Tell Tell tell us what it’s all about.

Yeah. Absolutely. So, Telarus is a technology solution distributor.

Sits in the middle of an emerging industry. Right? That is our channel.

Lovingly referred to by some and and be included as our modern distribution channel.

Allows us to provide resources and value to technology advisors of all different, you know, sizes, focus in different segmentations of technology, and try to really help them bridge the gap and bring tremendous value to their customers and the clients that they they go to market with, whether that be in traditional network services, contact center, cloud, cybersecurity, mobility IoT. I think I just covered the entire technology, gas in there. We really have went out and built out some tremendous resources with our engineering teams, thought leadership, and now this tech, the tech trends report for the second year just bringing more highlights to what’s going on, big conversations they could be having with clients to open up more opportunity.

And that’s really what Telarus has really started to specialize in. We understand we set in the middle of a really great ecosystem between our advisors and our supplier partners and really trying to facilitate the right conversations and bring the right resources to enhance those opportunities on both sides.

Well, it sounds like a really great setup, Kobe. So we’re looking at the twenty twenty four twenty five, Telarus tech trends report in in particular for this year. Now this original research, it it does pack a lot of kind of insight and thought leadership.

Kinda let advisors know what’s coming next and maybe start to factor these trends into their planning as they kinda move forward. What did you find most interesting or or even validating about the report results?

Well, I think in, you know, we started this in twenty twenty three going into into twenty twenty four. And we it was a really great effort, and we got a lot of tremendous information out of it. And the first, you know, the first pass, we went out and we, we surveyed and interviewed a ton of enterprise level clients. And when we deliver the information, it’s a little bit slanted towards more of that enterprise level scope and viewpoint.

And what I loved about this year and and what validated is our adviser community in our channel really does extremely well in that mid market to small enterprise as well as well as the enterprise in SMB because it but it expands. But if you really look at it, where we validate, especially in some of these advanced solutions, is what the mid market to small enterprise organizations are looking for, and you’ll see that come out in the tech trends. Again, we sell across the entire stack. If you look at, like, the Fortune five hundred and the number of advisers that have sold into that, it’s probably gonna be about a hundred percent.

Like so to say that we can’t go in and sell at the enterprise level as a channel and as a, you know, as advisers is incorrect, but where we see the most value and the most growth is that mid market to small enterprise in the in the report definitely reflects that as well.

What sort of things can we expect from Telarus in the future?

More of the same. More more focus on education.

We’re gonna double down on what we’re doing as far as giving insight like this back, this tech trends report.

You know, we do it in a couple different versions. So the first version is really for our advisers to take and absorb, and then we re re refactor it to be where they can go and provide it out to their clients and make it more client facing and where they can take advantage of that, that data and and collect that conversational piece with them directly.

So we’re gonna continue to build, an engine that supports our advisers and continue to add resources, insight, and try to just help drive those opportunities with them and on their behalf as much as we possibly can.

Alright. And to kinda bring it back to the tech trends report, you can actually access the full report by going to, telarus dot com slash tech trends, and that’s where you for yourself.

Kobe, if people want more information for anything else, where where can they kinda go online?

Teleris dot com is a great, great place to start.

I would also say our team is not hard to find. We have one of the most, robust and aggressive field sales team. So any advisors that’s looking for any information on Telarus, you can always start with your partner develop manager, and go from there. And but if you’re looking to just source it, I would I would point to the website. Within that, as you get through, you also have Telarus University get into some deep level education where you have one zero one, two zero one, three zero one style courses across multiple different technology planes, both on the tech side and the sales side. So you can pick whatever path is most interesting to you.

And don’t forget also that Telarus is gonna be a silver sponsor at CVX Expo this November in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kobe, thank you so much for the time.

Absolutely, Brady. I really appreciate it.

I also wanted to let you guys know that there’s a companion podcast available for this interview where we go more in-depth about the tech trends report that we mentioned and talk about some of the insights in the industry today. You can check that out as well on channel vision mag dot com. Just look for podcasts, and you’ll find it right there.

That’ll do it for today’s CVTV.

Everybody, take care.